Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Links for 2009-12-29

ASL BiSL Foundation - ASL -
ASL's goal is the professional development of application management
This is achieved by offering a framework within which the processes of application management are brought in relation to each other. The framework also serves as a steppingstone for categorising best practises that have been developed. more...
(tags: ASL)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Links for 2009-11-13

Download details: SyncToy 2.1 -
SyncToy 2.1 is a free application that synchronizes files and folders between locations. Typical uses include sharing files, such as photos, with other computers and creating backup copies of files and folders. more...
(tags: micosoft sync tools toolbelt)

Axway User: Daily Insight into an Axway User's Brain -
Daily Insight into an Axway User’s Brain more...
(tags: axway cft xfb mft)

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Vista Gadget AudioSwitch

I bought a wireless audio transmitter on holiday in France Hi-Fi Environ from NGS. I paid only E 19 for this.  I need to switch my Audio output on a regular basis now. It needs to be toggled from my desktop speakers to the NGS USB Audio device that transmits my iTunes output to my surround system.

In Vista this can be done in several ways, but all involve 3 or more menu choices.
In the public domain there are a number of freeware programs for this, but all seem to have problems on Vista.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Links for 2009-11-07

Closure Tools - Google Code -
Web applications have evolved from simple HTML pages into rich, interactive applications that provide a great user experience. Today's web apps pose a challenge for developers, however: how do you create and maintain efficient JavaScript code that downloads quickly and works across different browsers?
The Closure tools help developers to build rich web applications with JavaScript that is both powerful and efficient. more...
(tags: javascript webdevelopment tools)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Links for 2009-10-24

Download details: Microsoft Application Screen Decoder 1 (MSA1) -
Microsoft Application Screen Decoder 1 (MSA1) is a video decoder designed for playing back recordings generated by Microsoft Office Communication Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 or later versions. more...
(tags: micosoft ocs)

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Links for 2009-10-04

Google Solutions Marketplace -
The Google Solutions Marketplace links customers to vendors whose solutions integrate and extend Google's communication, collaboration, and enterprise search products. Read some customer success stories from Marketplace vendors. more...
(tags: google apps solutions)

Cloud Platforms: An Enterprise-Oriented Overview -
A short introduction to Cloud platforms more...
(tags: cloud microsoft architecture)

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Links for 2009-10-01

Official Google Enterprise Blog: Import, export, and more with the new Google Sites API -
One of the benefits of Google Apps is the extensibility and openness of the platform. Today we're pleased to advance that story by introducing a new API for Google Sites in Labs.

The use cases are plentiful for businesses:

* Update Google Sites from 3rd party applications – e.g. your sales team's Google Sites pages can update automatically when new leads are added to your CRM system.
* Migrate files and content from workspace applications like Microsoft SharePoint and Lotus Notes to Google Sites.
* Export Google Sites pages, edit them offline, and re-import the updated content.
* Export your sites, including every page revision, for backup.
* Easily monitor changes across your important internal and public sites, all from a single gadget.
* Push new content like changes to employee policies or a new corporate logo to any site on your domain, even sites created by individual employees. more...
(tags: google sites api enterprise)

QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer.

When used as a machine emulator, QEMU can run OSes and programs made for one machine (e.g. an ARM board) on a different machine (e.g. your own PC). By using dynamic translation, it achieves very good performances.

When used as a virtualizer, QEMU achieves near native performances by executing the guest code directly on the host CPU. A host driver called the QEMU accelerator (also known as KQEMU) is needed in this case. The virtualizer mode requires that both the host and guest machine use x86 compatible processors. more...
(tags: emulator tools)

Project.net | Project Portfolio Management
(tags: PPM opensource)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Links for 2009-09-26

Twilio: Web Service API for Making and Receiving Phone Calls, building hosted IVR and PBX telephone applications
(tags: telephony cloud)

Download details: 2007 Office system (SP2) Administrative Templates and OCT -
This download includes updated Group Policy Administrative Template and Office Customization Tool OPA files; an updated Office Customization Tool; and ADMX and ADML versions of the Administrative Template files. This update assumes that you have updated your 2007 Office System applications with the 2007 Office System Service Pack 2 (SP2). more...
(tags: office customization policy micosoft)

Friday, September 25, 2009

Links for 2009-09-25

Simple Online Time Tracking, Timesheet and Reporting Software: Harvest
(tags: timetracking tools)

SAP - High Tech

MozyPro Remote Data Backup, Online Backup, and Internet Backup Solutions for Business - Mozy.com - MozyPro -
Mozy, the trusted leader in online backup, saves you time and money with a simple, secure, and affordable backup solution that allows you to focus on your business' future. With an expansive feature set at an affordable price, it is no wonder MozyPro is trusted by more than 40,000 businesses. more...
(tags: backup online toolbelt)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Links for 2009-09-24

10 Collaboration Platforms to Consider for Your Business -
Collaboration is the cornerstone of getting work done in the enterprise. It may start with e-mail clients, but there are a number of platforms that enable file sharing, offer wiki-like work space and provide real-time collaboration through Web conferencing. They also come in different packages, with some designed as on-premises installations and others deployed via the Web as cloud computing services. In this slideshow, eWEEK runs through some of the most popular collaboration platforms, from Microsoft SharePoint to Zimbra and other solutions in between. This isn't an attempt to rank the products, or favor one over the other, but to show businesses what's out there to help employees better work together. more...
(tags: collaboration tools architecture)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Links for 2009-09-19

Vista Audio Changer :: About -
Since the redesigning of the audio system in Windows Vista, it has not been possible to set the default output device for the entire system through software. Unfortunately, most applications do not have the option to select an output device built-in. Vista Audio Changer steps in and changes the default output device to replace this missing functionality more...
(tags: toolbelt)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Links for 2009-09-12

Prioritizing IT Initiatives Using Business Architecture - The Architecture Journal -
This article describes a technique that Microsoft architects around the world use every day to ensure that IT projects have both a clear alignment with the strategic goals of the organization and a strong demonstrable impact. more...
(tags: architecture microsoft msba)

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Links for 2009-08-22

Download details: Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Web Scheduler -
Web Scheduler is a 64-bit tool for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2. It provides a Web-based alternative to the add-in for the Microsoft Outlook messaging and collaboration client for the purpose of scheduling a meeting using Office Communications Server 2007 R2. It also provides a browser-based conference management experience that includes operations such as:

* Scheduling a new Live Meeting conference or conference call.
* Viewing and modifying details of an existing conference.
* Listing all existing user schedules of a Microsoft Office conference.
* Deleting an existing conference.
* Sending an e-mail invitation to conference participants by using a configured SMTP mail server.
* Joining an existing conference. more...
(tags: ocs micosoft webmeeting)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Links for 2009-08-20

The Architecture Journal -
The Architecture Journal is an independent platform for free thinkers and practitioners of IT architecture. New editions are issued quarterly with articles designed to offer perspective, share knowledge, and help you learn the discipline and pursue the art of IT architecture. more...
(tags: architecture EA)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Links for 2009-08-19

Download details: Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 2  - ALL Language Standalone (KB948465) -
Service Pack 2 for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista (SP2) is an update to Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 that supports new kinds of hardware and emerging hardware standards, and includes all updates delivered since SP1. SP2 simplifies administration by enabling IT administrators to deploy and support a single service pack for clients and servers. Please see the Windows Server SP2/Windows Vista SP2 page on TechNet/MSDN for additional details and documentation. more...
(tags: microsoft readyboost sp2 vista)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Links for 2009-08-14

Sourcing Governance Framework -
Whitepaper explaining the Sourcing Governance Framework as developed by Quint Wellington Redwood more...
(tags: architecture governance framework)

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Links for 2009-08-08

Download details: Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Group Chat SDK -
The Group Chat feature lets organizations set up searchable, topic-based chat rooms that persist over time, allowing geographically distributed teams to better collaborate with one another while preserving organizational knowledge.

The Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Software Development Kit (SDK) includes documentation and sample applications developed with the Office Communications Server 2007 R2 platform. more...
(tags: UC microsoft ocs)

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Links for 2009-08-01

How to Create a Bootable USB Memory Key  -
This document provides the necessary information to create a bootable USB memory key using HP tool HPUSBFW.exe , which is primarily used by ROMPaqs to create a bootable BIOS update memory key. more...
(tags: boot toolbelt tools usb)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Links for 2009-07-24

CAS 2 Architecture -
The Jasig Central Authentication Service was originally developed by Yale University. It has since become a Jasig project.

Since the availability of the Central Authentication Service server implementation and protocol, there have been many client programs developed for "CASifying" applications such that they can use CAS for user authentication. more...
(tags: architecture authentication)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Links for 2009-07-20

RRDtool - About RRDtool -
RRDtool is the OpenSource industry standard, high performance data logging and graphing system for time series data. Use it to write your custom monitoring shell scripts or create whole applications using its Perl, Python, Ruby, TCL or PHP bindings. more...
(tags: perl toolbelt)

MS CRM 4.0 Plugin Integeration With Sharepoint using Sharepoint.dll « Muhammad Ali Khan -
Well there may be points in your MS CRM 4.0 development, where you need integration with SharePoint. I came across one such scenario where I have to create a SharePoint Folder in a document library on the Create Event of an Entity “Account”. Also once the account is renamed, I have to rename the folder as well.

Now SharePoint gives you two options to customize its document library either using the webservices of lists.asmx or Dws.asmx or using the SPList and SPSite Object from Microsoft.SharePoint.Dll. more...
(tags: crm MSCRM SharePoint2007 micosoft mscrm4.0 sharepoint)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Links for 2009-07-17

Spiral Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
Spiral Dynamics is a theory of human development introduced in the 1996 book Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Chris Cowan. The book was based on the theory of psychology professor Clare W. Graves, and originally targeted at a business management audience. The American author Ken Wilber has popularized these ideas in a series of books. "Spiral Dynamics" is a registered trademark of the National Values Center, Inc. more...
(tags: development human)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Links for 2009-07-12

How to Determine the True Cost of Microsoft SharePoint - CIO.com - Business Technology Leadership -
SharePoint has unquestionably garnered a lot of attention from business users and IT. Toby Bell, Gartner Inc.'s research vice president, calls SharePoint 2007 "nothing short of a phenomenon." He says the growing number of searches for SharePoint on Gartner.com indicates high interest in the product and some confusion about its value. more...
(tags: sharepoint microsoft moss2007)

Get Off of My Cloud: Private Cloud Computing Takes Shape -
Private cloud computing is a different take on the mainstream version, in that smaller, cloudlike IT systems within a firewall offer similar services, but to a closed internal network. This network may include corporate or division offices, other companies that are also business partners, raw-material suppliers, resellers, production-chain entities and other organizations intimately connected with a corporate mothership. more...
(tags: cloud private architecture ea)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Links for 2009-07-11

Download details: Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile 2007 R2 -
Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile is a unified communications client for Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2. Communicator Mobile runs on Microsoft Windows mobile 6.0 (or higher) software for Pocket PC and smartphone devices. In addition, Communicator Mobile 2007 R2 enables users to make work calls using their enterprise telephony system via Single Number Reach functionality. more...
(tags: microsoft ocs windows mobile)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Bugzilla 3.4 Release Notes :: Bugzilla :: bugzilla.org

Bugzilla 3.4 Release Notes :: Bugzilla :: bugzilla.org: "This is Bugzilla 3.4! Bugzilla 3.4 brings a lot of great enhancements for Bugzilla over previous versions, with various improvements to the user interface, lots of interesting new features, and many long-standing requests finally being addressed."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Links for 2009-06-28

Oil painting assistant -
Oil Painting Assistant helps you produce oil paintings of images from a scanner, digital camera, or the web. With Oil Painting Assistant, you load in a digital image, crop it to fit your canvas, and adjust coloration to suit your tastes. It also applies a grid to the image so you can more accurately sketch on your canvas. The assistant then displays an analysis of the image showing what paints would be useful for the painting’s base coat. The analysis and grid-overlaid image can be displayed on your monitor while you paint, or printed on a color printer. more...
(tags: assistant grid painting)

EA Sport Grand slam tennis with WII Motion Plus

UPC speedtest

Did another test on a different time.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Links for 2009-06-25

Improve performance of your webpages -
What would be possible if browsing the web was as fast as turning the pages of a magazine? We invite you to join us in exploring and innovating across the entire spectrum of performance - from Internet protocols to the browser to website development. Together, let's make the web faster! more...
(tags: google performance webdesign development)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Links for 2009-06-23

eGovernment for Development - eGov Risk Assessment: Design-Reality Gaps -
A gap exists for all e-government projects between the design assumptions/requirements and the reality of the client public agency. The larger this gap between design and reality, the greater the risk that the project will fail. The risk assessment technique presented here asks you to rate the size of a set of design-reality gaps. more...
(tags: government overheid riskmanagement)

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit Team Blog -
Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit more...
(tags: microsoft windows7)

Load Balancing Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007
(tags: ocs loadbalancing microsoft)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Links for 2009-06-19

Service-now.com IT Service Management SaaS - ITIL based ITSM Software ... -
Service-now.com is the pioneer of On Demand IT Service Management. Combining ITIL v3 guidelines with Web 2.0 technology, we offer Software as a Service that is thoroughly modern in its delivery, price, and value. Approachable and attractive, integrated and complete, designed for the Global 2,000. You've never seen IT management done like this before... more...
(tags: itil service services)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Links for 2009-06-16

Resource Rooms -
For a number of years people have been creating mailboxes to schedule conference room, equipment, etc.. in previous versions of Exchange a user could user Direct Booking a feature of Outlook and later Auto Attendant event sink to allow the functionality users needed.

Now Exchange 2007 has made drastic improvements and made managing resource quite easy. more...
(tags: exchange exchange2007 microsoft tutorial)

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Links for 2009-06-14

P90X Advanced Excel Worksheets | Daily Fitness Tips from Extremely-Fit -
The P90X Advanced Excel Worksheets are nothing short of AWESOME. Don’t picture a boring spreadsheet with a few cells to type in. Do yourself a big favor, and download these worksheets. more...
(tags: excel fitness)

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Links for 2009-06-09

OraTweet Ready for Flight | The AppsLab -
OraTweet provides you with everything you need to start micro-blogging inside the firewall (or anywhere really). The web front-end is built in APEX, and you can plug in IM/SMS integration. The API allows you to build native and RIA clients (think Adobe AIR) as well. It’s all in there, pretty much everything you’d expect, including the ability to post to Twitter. more...
(tags: twitter oracle microblogging)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Links for 2009-06-03

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Google’s Wave drowns out Microsoft’s Bing hype - The Next Web - Designed by the development team behind Google Maps, Wave is designed to be an evolution of email and IM. Wave allows groups to work together in the same web environment, throwing images, photos and videos into a shared conversation stream. The concept is essentially the same as a FriendFeed group, with the same realtime multimedia flow. However, while FriendFeed is geared up for threaded discussions similar to the bulletin boards of yore, Google Wave seems like it will be more suitable to an on-going teamworking environment. Interestingly, a ‘replay’ function is available, allowing the evolution of a conversation to be reviewed later more...
(tags: google wave)

Monday, June 01, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Links for 2009-05-30

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Windows vista mui language packs on vista home basic home premium and business - Download and Install Windows Vista MUI Language Packs on Vista Home Basic, Home Premium and Business more...
(tags: language micosoft mui readyboost vista)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Links for 2009-05-23

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Download details: Unified Communications Adoption and Training Kit 2007 R2 - The Unified Communications Adoption and Training Kit for 2007 R2 provides guidance and resources for IT Pros, HelpDesk, and Trainers to speed adoption and usage of Unified Communications technologies in the enterprise. The kit includes Planning Checklists, Awareness materials, including Poster, Door Hangers, and E-mail samples, and User Education Materials such as Quick Reference Cards, Flash Cards, and links to Web-based Training. more...
(tags: readyboost vista webdav webfolders ocs UC communications micosoft training unified)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Links for 2009-05-21

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Download details: Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306) - This download enables you to update the Web Folders component in Microsoft Windows operating systems, and provides additional functionality. The article describes the Software Update for Web Folders that is dated March 15, 2007. This update fixes various issues that occur when you use Web folders from your client computer to connect to a server that supports Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). Additionally, this update includes security enhancements to Web folders. more...
(tags: readyboost vista webdav webfolders)

Links for 2009-05-21

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Download details: Software Update for Web Folders (KB907306) - This download enables you to update the Web Folders component in Microsoft Windows operating systems, and provides additional functionality. The article describes the Software Update for Web Folders that is dated March 15, 2007. This update fixes various issues that occur when you use Web folders from your client computer to connect to a server that supports Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV). Additionally, this update includes security enhancements to Web folders. more...
(tags: readyboost vista webdav webfolders)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Links for 2009-05-19

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Microsoft servicemanager testdrive - Try out Microsoft System Center Service Manager in a free, online virtual environment more...
(tags: center microsoft system test)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Links for 2009-05-17

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Download details: Web PI 2.0 Beta - The Web Platform Installer (WebPI) is a simplified download/install experience for all of Microsoft´s free web products. It includes everything that you need to get up and running to build your web solutions from servers, tools, and technologies, including the most recently updated products. You can also choose from your favorite Web applications and Web PI will download and install not only the application, but the dependencies you need to run that application letting you get started more quickly and easily. Web PI always contains the most recent products of the Microsoft Web Platform so you no longer need to visit multiple sites, just launch Web PI to see what is new. more...
(tags: development free micosoft web)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Links for 2009-05-10

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

CMT : News : Chris Isaak's New Album Features Michelle Branch, Trisha Yearwood - Chris Isaak's new album, Mr. Lucky, features duets with Michelle Branch (formerly of the Wreckers) and Trisha Yearwood. Branch sings on "I Lose My Heart" while Yearwood appears on a remake of "Breaking Apart." The original version of "Breaking Apart," which Isaak co-wrote with Diane Warren, was included on Isaak's 1998 album, Speak of the Devil. Isaak is best known for his 1989 hit, "Wicked Game." Mr. Lucky will be released on Tuesday (Feb. 24). more...
(tags: music)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Links for 2009-04-24

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Free Twitter Background Template - Who would’ve thought that the presentation app used to lull audiences to sleep could also be used to create an appealing Twitter background? The process is fairly simple and only limited by your imagination and Twitter’s 800Kb upload limit. more...
(tags: twitter)

My trip to China - trip to china more...
(tags: china)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Links for 2009-04-23

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Damien Learns Perl: How to post in both Twitter and Identica at once - Damien Learns Perl: How to post in both Twitter and Identica at once more...
(tags: perl twitter)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Links for 2009-03-28

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

dsresource (application/pdf-object)
(tags: stamrecht)

Download details: Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Data Migration Manager - This download installs Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Data Migration Manager and the related Release Notes. Using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Data Migration Manager, you can convert and upload data from another customer relationship management (CRM) system to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The Data Migration Manager includes default data maps to convert source data from several common CRM systems to the data format expected by Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. During the conversion and migration process, you can create any necessary custom entities or attributes to make sure that you do not lose legacy data during the migration process. more...
(tags: MSCRM micosoft mscrm4.0)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Links for 2009-02-10

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Comparison between MOSS 2007 and WSS 3.0 - A comparison between the free Windows Sharepoint Services and the licensed product MOSS 2007. And the winner is ... more...
(tags: MOSS2007 sharepoint wss)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Links for 2009-01-26

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

RSGB | EGEM i-teams - De gegevenshuishouding van de overheid wordt gestandaardiseerd. Gegevens worden in basisregistraties eenmalig vastgelegd en daarna door de hele overheid gebruikt. De basisregistraties maken een koppeling van gegevens mogelijk. Dit betekent koppelen van registraties en uitwisselen van basisgegevens, zowel landelijk als binnengemeentelijk. more...
(tags: RSGB gemeente)

Overzicht e-formulieren | EGEM i-teams - Hieronder vindt u nieuwe GEMMA E-formulieren specificaties. Deze zijn platformonafhankelijk ontworpen en beschrijven de standaard inhoud van een e-formulier. more...
(tags: egem forms gemeente)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Links for 2009-01-25

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Gemeente Zwolle | CIBER Nederland | Committed to the limit - implementatie op basis van Adobe LiveCycle more...
(tags: adobe forms gemeente livecycle)

Adobe - LiveCycle ES trial version - With the announcement of Adobe LiveCycle ES Update 1, Adobe is offering a trial version of the software for application development and testing. The trial version should be run only in development environments, and is not intended for production software deployment. more...
(tags: adobe forms livecycle)

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Links for 2009-01-01

Interesting links gathered from all over the Internet

Official Google Enterprise Blog: SAS 70 Type II for Google Apps - An independent public accounting firm has verified the effectiveness of our technical processes and controls for Google Apps, and Google Apps has satisfactorily completed a SAS 70 Type II audit. more...
(tags: 70 apps google sas)

Free tools
(tags: cmmi free tools)

(tags: architecture enterprise infrastructure patterns)

CMMI Models and Reports - Capability Maturity Model® Integration (CMMI) is a process improvement approach that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes. It can be used to guide process improvement across a project, a division, or an entire organization. CMMI helps integrate traditionally separate organizational functions, set process improvement goals and priorities, provide guidance for quality processes, and provide a point of reference for appraising current processes. more...
(tags: cmmi model)


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