FREE SHAREPOINT WEB SITE : Online Project Management, Web Based Collaboration, Data Storage - Free Sharepoint WSS3 v3 hosting more...
(tags: sharepoint hosting wss)
Blog that used to be dedicated to Oracle, but is now about Microsoft, other stuff and the good things in life.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Links for 2008-03-31
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Links for 2008-03-30 - Official openArchitectureWare Homepage - openArchitectureWare (oAW) is a modular MDA/MDD generator framework implemented in Java(TM). It supports parsing of arbitrary models, and a language family to check and transform models as well as generate code based on them. Supporting editors are based more...
(tags: tools architecture model opensource eclips)
Architectural Blueprintsâ€"The “4+1†View Model of Software Architecture
(tags: architecture 4+1 view blueprint)
4+1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 4+1 is a view model designed by Philippe Kruchten for describing the architecture of software-intensive systems, based on the use of multiple, concurrent views. The views are used to describe the system in the viewpoint of different stakeholders, such as more...
(tags: 4+1 architecture view)
Identity Management: Implementation Dos and Dont's - CSO Online - Security and Risk - Just getting started on an IDM roll-out? Some pointers from people who've been there, done that. more...
(tags: security compliance IDM identity2.0 RBAC)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Links for 2008-03-29
Kempen & Co promoot Microsoft CRM gebruik aan andere Bankiers
(tags: crm)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Links for 2008-03-28
Is your Crawler a Robot? - Larry Kuhn (tags: search MOSS2007 sharepoint)
Chris O'Brien's blog: Introducing the SharePoint Content Deployment Wizard (tags: sharepoint)
Microsoft CRM voor Financial Services (tags: crm mscrm4.0 microsoft)
Microsoft CRM Demo | Download CRM - Demo MS CRM (tags: crm mscrm4.0 microsoft demo)
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Links for 2008-03-23
Fairlogic WorldCast - Bulk Email Software - WorldCast is a powerful Internet email-marketing application which is perfect for individuals or businesses sending out multiple customized email messages to their customers.. (tags: mailmanagement mailing newsletter listmanagement)
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Links for 2008-03-22
Selecting the best tools for your software system design - So many tools, and so little time! If you're an IT architect, it can be a daunting task to select the right design tools when architecting your software system. Explore a survey of tools to help determine which ones are best suited to each phase of the pr (tags: architecture tools)
Dynamic MSCRM: CRM Document Management...the low budget way - In the mean time, the company still needs to have some kind of document management and of course they want it either directly inside of MSCRM or to integrate with it. Here are my "low budget solutions" for document management. (tags: sharepoint dm document management)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Links for 2008-03-20
SendStudio Email Marketing Software & Newsletter Software Solution - SendStudio is browser-based email marketing software that over 10,000 web designers, webmasters, hosting providers, ISP's and agencies are already using to create, send and track profitable email campaigns and autoresponders, either for themselves or for (tags: mailing mailmanagement)
Mailblast - Internet Email Marketing Solution for html newsletters and targeted email campaigns. - MailBlast is a web based marketing solution that gives businesses the power to create and implement targeted e-mail campaigns. It is user friendly, cost effective, and scaleable. MailBlast is the ideal tool for managing e-mail advertising & promotions, bu (tags: mailing mailmanagement)
Windows Mobile Library - This technical library contains resources that can help you deploy and operate Windows Mobile powered devices. The library is organized into the following sections: (tags: mobile windows)
GUUUI - Visio - the interaction designer's nail gun (2nd edition) (tags: visio)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Links for 2008-03-14
Web Services Architect : Articles : Web Services and STP - This article discusses the fundamentals of STP, the need for, driving forces behind, and benefits of STP, the current state of technology supporting STP, and the relationship of enterprise and business-to-business application integration and business proc (tags: architecture STP SOA)
Computing SA - News - What is enterprise architecture? (tags: architecture)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Links for 2008-03-13
SharePoint Survey Web Part, Polls webparts, MOSS Survey - - KWizcom SharePoint Survey Web Part - Survey Plus is a Poll Web part that connects to the standard SharePoint survey list and displays an easy to use interface for voting. (tags: sharepoint survey webparts) - KWizCom SharePoint Tagging Feature enables the tagging of SharePoint content such as documents, list items, pictures, forms etc. Furthermore, with the included Tag Cloud Web Part, SharePoint Tagging Feature enables many new capabilities such as presentat (tags: sharepoint webparts tagging)
Downloadinformatie: Windows SharePoint Services Applications Template: Room And Equipment - This application for Windows SharePoint Services provides one go-to place for organizing conference room, conference call, and meeting equipment availability and for making requests to reserve them. (tags: sharepoint template meeting planner)
SharePoint Helper Web Parts - SQL View Web Part - The SQL View Web Part generates SQL statements and database views that can be used to combine information from several lists, such as products, orders and customers. This Web Part allows you to create alternative views of SharePoint list data and use them (tags: sharepoint webparts reporting)
SharePoint Web Parts - AA OrgChart Webpart (tags: sharepoint orgchart webparts)
SharePoint: Building a Powerful Survey Infrastructure (tags: sharepoint survey)
Determine the impact of anonymously accessible form templates (Office SharePoint Server) - If your organization plans to deploy form templates that can be accessed by unauthenticated users, you need to consider a variety of factors in your planning. Without adequate planning, form templates that can be submitted without user authentication can (tags: sharepoint architecture security authentication)
Microsoft Records Management Team Blog (tags: sharepoint RM Records Management compliance)
Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 top 10 benefits - SharePoint Server - Microsoft Office Online (tags: sharepoint architecture)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Links for 2008-03-11
WD Elements Desktop 500 GB Hard Drives ( WDE1U5000 ) - Preformatted and ready to go, WD Elements USB 2.0 external hard drives make it possible to add reliable, high capacity storage instantly to your PC or Macintosh computer. (tags: usb storage wd)
Plattegrond, smoelenboek, projectplanning en nog veel meer met Visio (tags: visio sharepoint)
Integrating Visio 2007 and SharePoint Products and Technologies - Learn about enhanced features for integrating Microsoft Office Visio 2007 with Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. (13 printed pages) (tags: visio sharepoint)
SharePoint - visio - The Visio 2007 Viewer allows anyone to view Visio drawings and diagrams (created with Visio 5.0, 2000, 2002, 2003, or 2007) inside their Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0 or later Web browser. (tags: visio sharepoint)
Elton's Ark : How to display Visio file in SharePoint web part - One of the methods to display visio file in SharePoint web part (tags: visio sharepoint)
InfoPrint Solutions Company - StreamServe Business Communication Platform: capabilities (tags: streamserve Profiles BCP) - Herstelverzekerd - In samenwerking met ABZ hebben AEGON, Fortis ASR en Nationale-Nederlanden onder de noemer HerstelVerzekerd een communicatieplatform gecreëerd. Inmiddels is ook Reaal verzekeringen tot dit innitiatief toegetreden. Hiermee kunnen de partijen onderling en o (tags: insurance claims architecture)
Friday, March 07, 2008
Links for 2008-03-07
About Authoring Configuration Data for Desired Configuration Management - Configuration Manager 2007 supports the authoring of configuration data, which consists primarily of configuration baselines and configuration items, in the Configuration Manager console. Configuration Manager is able to present this configuration data in (tags: sml standards monitoring)
Service Modeling Language, Version 1.0 - This specification defines the Service Modeling Language (SML) used to model complex IT services and systems, including their structure, constraints, policies, and best practices. SML is based on a profile on XML Schema and Schematron. (tags: sml services monitoring standards)
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Links for 2008-03-06
Bewotec GmbH - Vera - Vera â€" de optimale aanvulling op Jack Vera is gebaseerd op Jack en is de perfecte uitbreiding speciaal voor kleine touroperators of reisbureaus met een eigen organisatie. Een uitstekende prestatie tegen een gunstige prijs. Allotments, seizoenen, inko (tags: travel solutions architecture applications touroperator)
Bewotec GmbH -Â Home - Welkom bij Bewotec GmbH - marktleider op het gebied van hoogwaardige reisbureau- en touroperatorsoftware (tags: travel applications architecture solutions jack) voor alle gebruikers van Jack en Vera. - Welkom op de JUGA site, de site voor en door JACK en VERA gebruikers (tags: travel architecture proces applications)
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Links for 2008-03-05
GEAR Up for Sharepoint (tags: sharepoint microsoft MOSS2007)
SharePointPedia (tags: sharepoint moss MOSS2007 microsoft)